
How to install Googler on Ubuntu 20.04 & Linux Mint 20

How to install Googler on Ubuntu 20.04 & Linux Mint 20

The Googler is a powerful and popular tool for using Google and Google search from the command line. In short, we can say that Googler is a Google Search Engine that works from the command line. When you search using Googler, it shows sufficient information for each result, i.e., URL, title, and abstract. You can open the result in the browser as well by selecting the URL.

As Googler is a popular tool, therefore it is a part of many Linux distros base repositories. Moreover, we can also install Googler via snap.

Installing Googler on Ubuntu 20.04 and Linux Mint 20 from the standard repository

Before installing Googler, update the apt cache with the command:

$ sudo apt update

Now, install Googler with the command:

$ sudo apt install googler

Once the Googler is installed, verify the installation with the command:

$ googler --version

The output shows that Googler 4.0 is installed on my Ubuntu 20.04.

Installing Googler on Ubuntu 20.04 and Linux Mint 20 via snap

The snap is an application manager that comes pre-installed on Ubuntu 20.04. However, the snap is disabled on Linux Mint 20 by default, and we need to enable it manually.

To activate and install the snap-on Linux Mint, remove the nosnap.pref file with the command:

$ sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref

Now, update the system's repository:

$ sudo apt update

Next, write the below-given command for installing snap on Linux Mint 20:

$ sudo apt install snapd

Type the below-given command to install Googler via snap:

$ sudo snap install googler

Once the Googler is installed via snap, verify the installation and check the installed version with the command:

$ snap info googler

Use Googler from the command line

Let's search for the LinuxHint using Googler:

We can click on the URL to view the result in a browser.


Googler allows us to make Google searches from the command line. Googler can be installed on Ubuntu 20.04 and Linux Mint 20 from the standard repositories and snap.

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